One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Group of Cedarville graduates smile by the lake

Career/Graduate School Placement

Proof Positive: Job and Graduate School Placement Rates

You’ve heard us talk about the quality of a Cedarville education. You’ve seen how every course, in every major, is taught with a biblical worldview. You’ve heard about our vibrant Christian community and heart to reach the world for 耶稣基督. But what you really may want to know is, “Can I get a job?” The answer: a resounding “yes!”

In a recent survey of our 2023 graduates conducted by 职业服务 and benchmarked against national data, we 这是惊人的98分.75% of the graduating class was either employed or in graduate school within six months of commencement (based on a knowledge rate of 87.5%). That’s evidence that our students are exceptionally prepared to enter the workforce upon graduation. 事实上, 在过去的五年里, our placement rates consistently have topped national averages, 如下图所示.

校友 结果: Equipped to Lead and Serve


Where are they within 6 months?


National Association of Colleges & 雇主(NACE)2017201820192020202120222023

* First Destination Survey by NACE
** 职业服务 Benchmark Survey Report by NACE

和 how are our students doing by academic area? 请看下面的数字, and you’ll discover how a distinctly Christian Cedarville education equips you for career and graduate school success, 无论你选择什么领域.


我们的 职业服务 office is there to help you prepare for your career from day one. From choosing a major to writing the perfect resume to preparing for a job interview, you will find help every step of the way. 和, 职业服务 host several career fairs every year that bring hundreds of prospective employers to campus each year. Companies actively seek out our graduates because of their career preparation, 高层的完整性, 以及令人难以置信的职业道德.


While not all colleges and universities provide the same data for employment of their graduates with regard to the time lapse before surveying, most use a six-month model for such statistics.

Cedarville’s data acquisition begins six months after each May graduation and is finalized by the following January 31. It is recognized that various alumni surveys, 拍摄于不同时间, might render a more positive number. 然而,我们选择了 to stay consistent with the six-month comparisons.


  • AFIT Center for Directed Energy
  • 美国红十字会
  • 中庭医疗中心
  • 球航空 & 技术
  • 波音公司
  • 博尔豪斯被暂时搁置农场
  • 毛毛虫
  • CESO
  • 克利夫兰诊所
  • Community Mercy Health Partners
  • Contech Engineered Solutions
  • 康明斯
  • 国防研究协会
  • 恩斯特 & 年轻的
  • 联邦快递地面
  • 五三银行
  • 费舍尔价格
  • 福特汽车公司
  • 福克斯新闻
  • 福克斯体育
  • 通用动力公司
  • 通用电气(General Electric)
  • 通用汽车(General Motors)
  • 好撒玛利亚人医院
  • 惠普
  • 本田R&D美洲公司.
  • 霍尼韦尔
  • IBM
  • International Schools of China
  • 江森自控
  • 摩根大通
  • 卡夫食品
  • 律商联讯
  • LJB公司.
  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • 马龙广告
  • 马拉松石油公司
  • 梅奥诊所
  • 微软
  • 美国国家航空航天局
  • 国家航空 & Space Intelligence Center (NASIC)
  • National Football League (NFL)
  • 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司
  • Northwestern Mutual Financial Services
  • 宝洁公司 & 赌博
  • 进步的保险
  • 雷神公司
  • 威图公司
  • 劳斯莱斯
  • 壳牌石油
  • 超级美国高速公路有限责任公司
  • 传统基金会
  • 五角大楼
  • 白宫
  • 铁姆肯公司
  • United 技术 Aerospace Systems
  • 美国空军、海军、陆军 & 海军陆战队
  • 美国国务院
  • 沃尔沃
  • 沃尔格林
  • 沃尔玛/山姆会员店
  • 华特迪士尼世界
  • 富国银行金融

Graduate programs where Cedarville graduates have attended

  • American University, College of Law
  • Capital University, Law School
  • The Graduate School at 斯德维尔大学
  • 哥伦布法学院
  • 康奈尔大学
  • Drake University, Law School
  • 杜克大学
  • George Mason University, School of Law
  • George Washington University, Law School
  • 哈佛大学
  • 哈佛大学 School of Law
  • 哈佛大学 Kennedy School of Government
  • Indiana University, School of Law
  • 约翰霍普金斯大学
  • Loyola University, Law School
  • 密歇根州立大学
  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学
  • 普渡大学
  • Southern Illinois University, School of Law
  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich
  • 俄亥俄州立大学
  • 俄亥俄州立大学, College of Medicine
  • 阿肯色大学
  • University of Dayton, Law School
  • University of Denver, College of Law
  • University of Kansas, School of Law
  • University of Maine, School of Law
  • University of Maryland, School of Law
  • University of Maryland, School of Medicine
  • University of Minnesota, Law School
  • University of North Carolina
  • University of North Carolina, School of Law
  • University of Notre Dame, Law School
  • University of Pittsburgh, School of Law
  • University of Toledo, School of Law
  • University of Virginia, School of Law
  • Villanova University, School of Law
  • Washington University, School of Law
  • Wake Forest University, Law School
  • Western State University, College of Law
  • Wright State University, School of Medicine
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